Monday, March 26, 2012

Trash Digger

New York Day 4: Originally I wasn’t planning on writing about this day but some drama happened at JFK and it is all because of the pizza and maybe the ribs and probably the mac and cheese plus some stupidity…you know how that song goes by Jamie Foxx…”Blame it on the a a a Alcohol.” My song title for the day is, “Blame it on the p p p p Pizza.” Let me explain. As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, we ate like little piggies. When we were shopping, I bought a ring…not an expensive one but one I was planning on wearing with a ring Louis gave me for my 25th wedding anniversary…one problem…fat fingers from my bad vacation diet. I was so enamored with my purchase, I put it on and put my anniversary ring in my purse for safe keeping.  When I got on the airport shuttle, I decided to put it back on my finger but you know what….my dang fingers are still swollen! I should have just put it back in my purse, but I slipped it on my pinkie. When we got out of the shuttle, it started pouring rain and we were in a hurry to get out and into the terminal. I reached into my pocket for tip money, then ran inside to check in. I then went into the restroom (sorry but this is important to the story) and when I was washing my hands and had just thrown the towel into the trash, my heart stopped…my ring was gone! I immediately sat on the floor and dug through an airport trashcan, touching every paper towel in there desperately searching for my ring…pretty gross. We then retraced all of my steps and posted Diane as luggage watcher as Nancy and me searched for the ring. We think it probably fell out when I reached in my pocket for the tip money. It is lost and someone is now enjoying my nice ring. Hate to think of someone wearing my ring but more than that I really hated to tell Louis the bad news. I couldn’t even bear to call him. I had to send him a text with lots of I’m sorry and pictures of hearts. He was great about it and told me not to worry and to have a great flight. I couldn’t even read the text aloud to the girls as it choked me up. This July is our 30th anniversary and I think I’ll have to keep him for another 30 years.

So up until the last day, our New York adventure was great fun. We will probably have to join Weight Watchers or go to food rehab. I highly recommend when you travel to take your trainer with you like I did. When I show up to work out, she will be as puffed out as I am…share the guilt.

Have you ever lost something really special to you?

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